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Educational System

Educational System

Article 4) The MBBS course is based on unit-selecting system.

Article 5) In unit-selecting system the scale of a course will be based on the number of units in that course and passing or failing in a course will be limited to that very course.

Article 6) Every course unit is a scale for that course the terms of which are respectively 17 hours for theoretical units, 34 hours for scientific (laboratory) units, and 68 hours for internship  in one semester (or summer term). All of these will be taught according to the approved program of great council of scheduling.

Article 7) The program for the MBBS course is as follows:

Stage 1: General courses and basic sciences

Stage 2:  Physiopathology

Stage 3: Clinical training

Pre-clinical and clinical for MBBS course

Pre-clinical period will be assigned to general courses and basic sciences (stage one), physiopathology (stage two) and clinical period will be assigned to training (stage three) and internship (stage four).

Article 8) In pre-clinical stages of Mbbs course, each educational year is made up of two semesters and one summer term if bearing the necessary prerequisites. Each semester is made up of 17 educational weeks and summer term is made up of 6 educational weeks based on the terms mentioned in article 7.

Note 1: Duration of final examination of each semester or summer term will not be counted in those 17 and 6 weeks respectively.

Note 2: In critical and exceptional cases, such as natural disasters or when the professor is sick and so on, the students of that course(s) are allowed to take the course in less than 17 weeks and the syllabus will be taught in shorter period according to the related college’s suggestion. This will happen only if the sum of instruction time does not decrease the terms mentioned in article 7 of this piece of regulations and participating in all the classes according to the timing is also obligatory.

Article 9) In clinical period, each semester bears some theoretical, practical and training courses. Number of sections in clinical periods in each semester will be determined by the educational council of the university’s international campus based on the needed time period for education.

Article 10)  International campus is bound to carry the educational plan and syllabus assigned by the great council of scheduling. 

Note 1: Order of courses considering the prerequisites, scheduling the studying program of students during the semester, teaching methodology and changing terms and introducing new course contents and selecting references are all included as the obligations of the universities and colleges of medical sciences. Obviously, the sources for formal examination of basic sciences and pre-internship will be determined by archival of educational council of general medicine.

Article 11) At the end of stage one there will be held a formal examination of basic sciences and passing this examination will be a prerequisite for entering the next stage.

Note 1: Passing all the courses of stage one (basic sciences course and general course) and obtaining the average of 12 in this stage will be a prerequisite for participating in the formal examination of basic sciences. Yet, in the circumstances when the student has only one general course s/he can participate in the formal examination of basic sciences and if s/he is admitted in the formal examination, that left course will be taken in the next stage. Obviously, the score of this course will affect the average of the next stage scores.

Note 2: If scores obtained in some courses passed by the student are not announced by the time of formal examination, the student will participate in the examination under conditions. If the student fails in that course after the announcement of formal examination’s score or passes the course but the average does not reach 12, the result of formal examination will be considered null and void. The participated exam will not be considered as one of the allowed times in which a student can take the formal examination but the student will not be allowed to participate in the next formal examination even under conditions unless s/he passes the failed course and obtain the necessary average score.

Article 12) Participation in the formal examination of basic sciences is allowed up to three times. If the student does not obtain passing score in this examination s/he will be excluded from continuing the MD course.

Note 1: Unexcused absence in the formal examination of basic sciences will be considered as one of the allowed times for participating in this exam.

Note 2: The student who is excluded from continuing studies in the medicine course due to failure in the final examination of basic sciences can change his/her course of study into integrated or disintegrated B.Sc. level. This bill was approved in the 26th session of great council of scheduling medical sciences dated at July 18th, 2004.

Article 13) Passing all the courses of stage two and obtaining average of 12 in this stage are the prerequisites of entering stage three.


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