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Shahid Beheshti Educational and Medical Center

Shahid Beheshti Educational and Medical Center

  The construction of Dr. Beheshti Hospital in Babol was first established as a private surgery center in 1974, and after the glorious Islamic Revolution, it was improved and equipped by the Construction Jihad, and in 1979, it was ready for operation. At first, it started with two surgical departments for men - women and internal medicine, and then the surgical departments (men and women) were set up separately with the orthopedic department and eye, ear, throat and nose. During the following years, this center has expanded and is currently operating with an approved capacity of 260 beds and an active capacity of 180 beds.

This center has special wards ICU (Trauma ICU with 12 beds, internal ICU with (10 beds) and CCU (with 9 beds) that provide services to patients in need of intensive care.

The center has clinical wards including emergency room, emergency room, internal ICU, urology, maxillofacial surgery and dialysis (on the ground floor) and gynecological and surgical wards, kidney transplant and central operating room (first floor) and The heart and CCU departments are internal, orthopedic one and orthopedic two (on the second floor). Also, paraclinical departments (laboratory, radiology, sonography, CT scan), echocardiography unit, endo and colonoscopy, specialized and sub-specialized clinics, pharmacy and nuclear medicine, provide services to the needy.

Shahid Beheshti Babol Educational and Medical Center, relying on valuable professors and existing capacities, has been able to be successful both in terms of diagnostic therapy and to train many assistants in various specialized fields.

 Meanwhile, in the latest accreditation evaluation, this center has succeeded in obtaining a first-class grade from the relevant ministry.


Tags: Law, Juggement, lawyer, Cases