List of services that are performed as an emergency in the center
1- Laboratory: The relevant list is available in the laboratory section.
2- Imaging: MRI, CT scan, radiography, sonography
3- Endoscopy, Echocardiography, Angiography, NST, Pathology (Frozen), Pharmacy (active morning and evening and night incl), ECG, Bronchoscopy
List of services performed in the center
1- Clinical sections:
Sub-specialized departments: Cardiovascular surgery, endocrinology, gastrointestinal, hematology, rheumatology, oncology, thorax, lung, pediatric heart, neonates
Specialized sections: Cardiovascular, Psychiatry, Infectious, Neurology, Nephrology, General Surgery, Orthopedics, ENT, Urology, Ophthalmology
Operating Room: Gynecology, Cardiovascular Surgery, General Surgery, ENT, Eye, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Urology, Dentistry, Thorax, Dialysis
2- Paraclinical departments:
Laboratory: Based on the list of tests in the laboratory booklet
Imaging: MRI, MRCP, KUB, IVP, mammography, cystography, CT scan, sonography, radiography
Rehabilitation units: physiotherapy, audiometry, speech therapy, optometry, pharmacy, Pathology
3- Specialized and sub-specialized clinics:
Subspecialty clinics: endocrinology, rheumatology, nephrology, gastrointestinal and liver, heart surgery, hematology, oncology, neonates, lung, cardiovascular surgery, thorax
Specialized clinics: heart, general surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, internal anesthesia, infectious, ENT, neurosurgery, neurosurgery
Other paraclinical and diagnostic services: FNA, NST, EEG, ECG, NCV, echocardiography, exercise test, echocardiography, spirometry, body box test, methacholine test, stroboscopy, colposcopy, Pap smear, curettage, endometrium
4- Paramedical clinics: Nutrition counseling, clinical psychologist
5- Endoscopy unit
- Laboratory: Based on the list of tests in the test booklet
- Imaging: MRI, MRCP, KUB, IVP Graphics, Mammography, Cystography, CT Scan, Ultrasound, Plain Radiography
Clinic: EMG, NCV, audiometry, speech therapy, exercise test, Holter, lung test, body box, bronchoscopy, intra-articular injection, FENA, BM, endometrial biopsy, posterior, IUD insertion and removal, colposcopy, pelvic floor, Echocardiography, ECG, NST, Blood transfusion, Blood transfusion, Chemotherapy
- Pathology
- Physiotherapy
- Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP
Angiography: PCI, ICD, Pace
List of services that are not performed in the center
Paraclinical services that are not provided in the hospital are performed with the responsibility and coordination of the hospital in the contract centers and the companions of the hospitalized patients have no responsibility in this regard. These services include:
1- Laboratory of the contract center of the center: Razi laboratory
2- Imaging of the contracting party of the center: nuclear medicine of Shahid Beheshti, Yahya Nejad and Amirkola hospitals
List of rare and expensive services
Expensive drugs include Austin, Krusov, Remicid, Velzomib, Retoxibab, Cytoxibab, Tascoter
Expensive and rare services include:
CABG (Open Heart Surgery), Prosthetics, Angiography, Paging, ICD (Electrophysiology), Angioplasty, Valve Replacement, Joint Replacement, Lumbar Screws, Craniotomy, Caiphoplasty, Shunting
Regarding medicines, the indication for drug use should be prepared under the guidance of the technical manager of the pharmacy and provided to the heads of departments.
Regarding expensive services, the use of services should be indicated by respected professors under the guidance of the clinical assistant director.