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Academic Staff


Code 51
Location School of Medicine
Department Department of Cardiology
  • Table: The overall structure of the course

Educational Field


Duration (Month)


Outpatient Visit,documentation,hospitalization, management ,follow ups ,Consultation 

Based on Schedule

Inpatient Ward 

Inpatien Visits,Care and Management,procedural Intervention,Discharge ,Followup….

Based on Schedule

Angiography Unit 

Participation in

procedure(observer,aid,independent operator.)

Based on Schedule

Echocardiography ward

Related issues education 

Based on Schedule

Exercise test & EPS

Exercise tests, electrophysiological studies 

Based on Schedule

Rotational Wards

1-Cardiac surgry

2-Pediatric Cardiac surgery 

3-Cardiac Imaging 

4-Cardiac Rehabilitation Ward 

1month 1month




•    In case of any inquiries, you can contact the Educational Office of International Students, Babol University of Medical Sciences through the following:
•    Contact Person: Dr. Mohammad Shams
•    Tel.: (+9811) 32199592
•    Email: info@mubabol.ac.ir
•    Website: http://en.mubabol.ac.ir
•    Address: Babol University of Medical Sciences,
•    Ganjafrooz Street , Babol , Mazandaran ,Iran
•    For select an advisor based on your research interest you can see Related Professors.
•    To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:
•    Tel.: (+9811) 32199592
•    Email: Babol University of Medical Sciences,
•    Ganjafrooz Street , Babol , Mazandaran ,Iran
•    Phone: +98 11 32192832 | Fax: +98 11 32192959

In case you are ready to apply, please refer to MUBabol Online Application Form below.
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•    Undergraduate Admission Requirements
•    Scholarships and Financial Aids
•    Education Fees and Yearly Expenses
•    Student Housing
•    Undergraduate Programs
•    Other Programs


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Academic Staffs